From frozen fjords: Form follows function*.
Oslo’s Opera transcends emotion
Art and architecture triumph at every junction:
Sloping landscapes sweep in sound and motion.
Every city now builds temples to the heart,
audacious monuments to universal karma,
passion and prestige, keen metaphors of breathing art,
bold oracles of song, dance, dreams and drama.
Utzon**, Éliasson*** and Lundevall****
reach heights
as archetypes of Neolithic intimation,
Nordic architects of Northern lights,
stone and crystal masons of ingenious inspiration.
Destiny blessed Kirsten Flagstad with devotion
to Wagnerian roles, today's sopranos scarcely may surpass.
I see Isolde stretching out to me the magic potion:
Cheerfully I toast to her with champagne in my glass!
* motto of the American architect Louis Sullivan
** Danish architect Jorn Utzon, Sydney Opera
*** Icelandic architect Olafur Eliasson, built
the Harpa 2011 in Reykjavik
**** Norwegian architect Tarald Lundevall built
the Oslo Opera 2008